An open letter to founders, business owners, and entrepreneurs:
Thank you for visiting our website. We truly appreciate it. We hope to provide a little insight into who we are, our strategy, and our philosophy. We do not strive to be the biggest or the most recognized private equity firm. Instead, our sole objective is to be the best business partner an entrepreneur and business owner will ever have.
We grew up in and around multi-generational family businesses our entire lives. We understand the unique aspects that make small businesses – the backbone of the American economy – so special, and we are as committed to achieving your long-term vision as you are.
We’ve done this for a long time. We have partnered with founder-led and family-owned businesses through some of the strongest economies and worst recessions America has seen. These experiences do not make us the smartest people in the room, nor do they give us the right to tell you how to run your business. However, they do provide us with a real perspective on growing a business and an understanding of the discipline, grit, and hard work required to achieve extraordinary outcomes for all stakeholders.
Private equity gets a bad name for a good reason. Big egos, scorched earth, and risky debt are all par for the course. That is not us – We are not interested in generating profits through short-term, financially engineered strategies. We know there is a better way.
Our flexible, family-office style approach reflects long-term perspective and desire to craft customized transaction structures that fit your specific needs. This means that we are not reliant on high levels of debt to get deals done. It means we respect your cultural identity and preserve its authenticity. Most importantly, it means we only partner with the very best people in the business. There will always be bumps in the road, and life is too short to be in business with folks you do not respect and enjoy.
In short, our goal is to form true partnerships with great people running great companies. We look forward to understanding your core purpose and how we can achieve a shared vision together.